Marina Sharapova

Country: UkraineRole: Content ManagerTime together: 5 years

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I believe a good text is a good dress for our thoughts. And I love it when the dress fits perfectly. Whenever I want to relax, I’m likely grabbing a good book or watching Friends series for the thousandth time, planning a new trip, or an awesome evening with my friends.

Nov 16, 2023Business
9 Important Aspects to Consider When Building an Online Bank in 2024

Learn how to start an online bank, digital banking trends, and development costs.

Sep 26, 2023TechnologyBusiness
13 Web Development Innovations to Adopt in the Next Year

Web development has undergone significant changes over the past five years due to a combination of technological advancements and changing user needs. Let's look at the drivers of these changes and the key technologies that have played a decisive role.

Jun 13, 2023Business
Features of Progressive Web Apps: Everything you Need to Know

Explore features of progressive web apps. Find out why PWA allows businesses to deliver a fast, reliable, and engaging experience to their users.

May 23, 2023Business
Software Development Budget Planning Guide

Principles of planning, pitfalls and nuances of the software development budget. Learn how to prepare an accurate estimate for your next project.